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New York City
November 2022
December 2023
January 2024
Uptown 6 Train around 9:30pm on December 30
I was working on a crochet project, and as you got ready to get off the 6 at 42nd you struck up a brief c...
Uptown B train 12/29 @ 6:15pm
I was reading a book on my phone ? you were reading an actual book, sitting a few benches down on the uptown B train. Our eyes loc...
Amtrak train NYC to New Haven, on the way to Boston
To the train conductor from Queens who saved me on 12/23/23... I was dehydrated the minute I got on th...
L train 12/27 3pm ish
You had black hair with highlights and clear glasses and you?re like the most beautiful person I?ve ever seen :o I?m the guy w the...
12/20 @7:30am JFK?s slowest tsa security line
We locked eyes twice in the security line, but weren?t close enough to really speak. I was ahead of you b...
Since we walked away
Its been a weird year. Simce you've ended it, i dove into myself. Got my ducks in a row. I can sense that you didnt think that i w...
November 26th Bedford L subway platform 2pm/3pm
We both were waiting for the subway, I was with 3 other people while waiting by the platform. You were ta...
Dec 14th White Boots
Curly haired girl uptown 6 train. white boots and headphones, or was it earmuffs? You sat near the door. A homeless man on the oth...
11/21/2023 8a: bos>ny>ewr, 8b: bos>ny>ham
8a: window seat, ipad, game, illustrator 8b: aisle seat, iphone, book 8a: last words 8b: first word...
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Bagle shop Soho
yea the day was cold and i had a fair amount to do ... Unfortunately one was a funeral of a neighborhood "mother " awesome pe...
Cute girl at The Book Club 12/23
I accidentally took your spot in the back corner, you were drinking a glass of red wine and reading a ver...
Bryant park mystery cardigan boy
You were wearing a cute patterned cardigan and heart glasses, while taking a picture of your friend in fr...
Amtrak ride to Boston for Holidays
Cute charismatic brooklyn girl sat next to me on train home on 12/22 and had a great conversation, but hi...
Cute redhead in LGA on 12/19/23
We were in Terminal B just past TSA. We both got on the elevator and you went to press the button and bru...
4/5 uptown-bound train on 12/21/23 around 1:45pm
i got on at 14th Union Square and we both got off at 42nd grand central. i?m the racially ambiguous latin...
uptown local B! 12/20
it was around 6:45 or so on the uptown local B ? i got off at 86 and you stayed on the train,, you complimented my glasses :?)
A train, going downtown, I got off on 145, 2:30pm 12/20
I was seating down wearing burgundy baseball hat, I had wired headphones. You were standing across me , t...
Q Train Downtown, Morning Rush, 12/20
You had blonde hair and a sweet smile, wearing a Mets hoodie and brown ankle boots. I had a green scarf a...
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Quality Italian (12/19)
A chivalrous man in midtown the week before Christmas in Quality Italian during the dinner rush - who would have thought? I hung u...
Q70 bus ride to LaGuardia afternoon December 19
You had dark hair, airpods, and a light colored coat. I think you had a pink handbag as well? We were ini...
12/18/23 - Brooklyn Bound N train; Black Paisley
You: Petite, cute, curly haired lady wearing a black paisley skirt and matching paisley shoes. I think yo...
Downtown A Train (42nd to Jay St)
You: light blue bookbag, boots, wavy hair Me: blue/green windbreaker, shades on then off to read a boo...
it was a rainy night in norwood and you went out of your way to walk me home with your umbrella over me. you said you were new to ...
12/16/23 train ride home at 11:39 pm
I got on the train alone and found some people I knew so I sat with them but when I looked up there you w...
Met you at Pearl?s in Bushwick
Tall brown haired cutie with a pretty smile. You were with a group of your friends after going to carousel. We talked at the bar a...
Laundromat blue corduroy shirt
We smiled at each other a few times at the laundromat - you were wearing a blue corduroy shirt. I had a black and white trucker ha...
Oda House Georgian Restaurant Upper East Side Dec16 7pm
Looking for a cute brunette lady who set at the table across from me at Oda House on Upper East side on t...
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I hate that I still love you
Here's my "10 Things I Hate About You" moment. I'm tired of feeling this way -- missing you. More than anything I hate the cliche....
whole foods in williamsburg, 12/15/23
To the hot tall beanied with a sincere smile in whole foods (wearing green long coat) I don?t know if ...
12/15/23 @ 8PM - Barnes & Noble on 5th Ave
You and your friend were deciding between Song of Achilles (blue) and Circe (orange). I said both were go...
Michelle - Soul Cycle
We started speaking via a website several years ago and discussed several topics that included Soul Cycle and wine. The overlay e-...
Thu 12/14 St Mark Pl talked about the play you just saw
You came out of Arts On Site after just seeing a play called Minor Prophecies and we started talking out ...
Mulberry Bar, 12/06
I regret not giving you my number so much, I haven?t been able to stop thinking about you, Ken. I needed to close out things with ...
8th Ave bound L train around 9 AM today
He has bright blue eyes, short-cropped brown hair, and a neat beard. Light grey woolen coat, dark plaid p...
12/11 @ Roberta?s in Bushwick around 8:30pm.
You: tall/big, smiley, middle eastern man sitting across from one friend who was hairy. You ordered pasta...
Eyes contact 6 train
After months, I finally posted that message. We did an eyes contact in the 6 train. You were with a black man with long locs. You ...
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Uncommons - West Village
You had brown curly hair, I was the woman sitting at the table when you walked in. You said hi to me when we locked eyes, then I s...
Redhead Seeks B44+ Cutie (PLG)
Rogers/Clarkson B44+ Bus Stop PLG 12/10/23 You had a black Queens Museum tote bag, glasses, a baseball cap, and a thick book. ...
F train 7th Ave Park Slope
hi? I noticed your gorgeousness on the train and when we got off at 7th ave, you surprised me and offered to carry my suitcase up ...
left at 34th on a and c
detroit sweatshirt, black sweats and white shoes, a rains bag, white headphones. left at 34th on a and c at 12:20pm on 29th nov 20...
Doubletree Downtown - Sat 12/2 - Elevator ride
We met on the elevator at the Doubletree Downtown in the Financial District. We were both riding to the 3...
JFK Nov 20 2023, terminal 1,dep, Swiss Air
While awaiting Swiss Air LX15 flight to Zurich, our eyes met. You, stunning with your blonde hair and blu...
Petco - Charleston Staten Island
Around 3:00 Saturday, I was behind you in line. You were with your Mother. We locked eyes several times ...
ocean prime
We were both eating at ocean prime the night they lit the tree at roc center. You- tall, dark and handsome, 30?s, (hopefully) ...