New York City
Girl with glasses, Q train at Canal st
You smiled on your way off of the train at canal st. I waved at you and you smiled at me as the train dep...
N6 I always see you going to supermarket
Cute girl who wore a brown outfit, black jacket, glasses, curly hair. I usually dont bother people in the...
Friday night around 1 AM
I was riding the G train home from Williamsburg towards Church Ave. There was a really pretty Asian girl reading a book and I miss...
Curly Haired Cutie Market Hotel Jan 27
We met on the dance floor at lsdxoxo. I had my eye on you all night and somehow you were even cuter in th...
Thurs night 1/25 outside The Playwright on 8th Ave NYC
You: slim Asian woman looking quizzically at your phone around 6:15 pm (I: white guy standing outside the...
F Train smiles
We were both on a crowded F train on the front car from Manhattan heading into Brooklyn. You got off at Carroll St. You had the m...
Open Mic Mullet Wonder @ The Stand NY
4th Jan. You: Friendly, Tall, Working in Mental Health & from upstate NY. Me: Smiley, Short, Australian...
12/9/23: 1 train, Manhattan, World Trade Center
i genuinely believe you to be the most beautiful person i?ve ever seen, tall with green eyes and dark hai...
Manhattan bound J @ Kosciusko st 1/23
At around 10PM. We both sat on the bench on the platform waiting for the train. Once it did we got on the...
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