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missed you
New York City
December 2023
January 2024
February 2024
Girl with glasses, Q train at Canal st
You smiled on your way off of the train at canal st. I waved at you and you smiled at me as the train dep...
N6 I always see you going to supermarket
Cute girl who wore a brown outfit, black jacket, glasses, curly hair. I usually dont bother people in the...
Friday night around 1 AM
I was riding the G train home from Williamsburg towards Church Ave. There was a really pretty Asian girl reading a book and I miss...
Curly Haired Cutie Market Hotel Jan 27
We met on the dance floor at lsdxoxo. I had my eye on you all night and somehow you were even cuter in th...
Thurs night 1/25 outside The Playwright on 8th Ave NYC
You: slim Asian woman looking quizzically at your phone around 6:15 pm (I: white guy standing outside the...
F Train smiles
We were both on a crowded F train on the front car from Manhattan heading into Brooklyn. You got off at Carroll St. You had the m...
Open Mic Mullet Wonder @ The Stand NY
4th Jan. You: Friendly, Tall, Working in Mental Health & from upstate NY. Me: Smiley, Short, Australian...
12/9/23: 1 train, Manhattan, World Trade Center
i genuinely believe you to be the most beautiful person i?ve ever seen, tall with green eyes and dark hai...
Manhattan bound J @ Kosciusko st 1/23
At around 10PM. We both sat on the bench on the platform waiting for the train. Once it did we got on the...
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Older guy on E train
I got off at lex/ 53rd. I?m younger was carrying a cardboard case thingy. You raised your eyebrows but didn?t get off. Your shirt ...
Since I do not know your name, I'll call you Mr. Manhattan. We crossed paths almost seven years ago at a restaurant near 40th and ...
pink coat on bk 2/3 train 01/22
yesterday on the uptown 2 or 3 train we were sitting across from each other. i (20-something F, dark hair...
You read part of All About Love and stopped 1/22
You work at a bookstore in downtown brooklyn and you helped me go through a list of books I wanted. I set...
Secaucus train platform 1/22/24 10 AM
You had pink hair and were wearing a blue jacket. I was wearing a black coat and you stood next to me bef...
Chess & Candy on the Downtown A Train
Him: Tall with glasses, wearing a black beanie, gray peacoat, brown pants, boots, and a black backpack. ...
Dancing like we?re Persona 4 Nightclub NPCs.
Bosa Nova Civic Club 01/20. My name is Jacob. You said you dug my vibe, I dug yours too, I was so cold I ...
Your name is Taj, like Mahal & going to Elsewhere 01/19
Welp, we had a pretty darn good chat about living in Queens, and siblings, half siblings, your friend was...
Swarthy Blk man 7:45p 4th-9th stop in BK, F Train 1/19
You: 5?8? Black man in a black beanie, camel pea coat, black leather wing tips, black watch. Me: thicc As...
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bumble fumble
middle of october ?23? we matched on bumble and talked NON STOP ?til 6am. we had great chemistry on text and had plans to mee...
Timing is everything.
I met you right after I broke up with my boyfriend and about a week later you asked me on a date. I wasn?t even looking forward to...
It?s been 5 years?
I still think about how we met. How everything was wrong: the timing, the instant intense attraction, the people around us and my ...
nj transit car
cutie on the nj transit with a duffle bag this morning: we stood across from one another in the lobby and got in the same car, but...
Asian Beauty in purple Doc's on downtown bound F train
If you're reading this, we locked eyes for a very long moment. I quite honestly "know" you're the girl of...
M train from delancey essex, 01/17
we were both waiting for the brooklyn bound M at delancey around 5pm, i had a beanie , a black jacket, an...
Gay man near union square 1/16 4:30pm
I was walking down to the union square station from 18th street/broadway. I was wearing an orange hoodie ...
L train Sunday 12:30pm 1/14 with black beanie
You were riding the L train to BK and I got on a 6th ave, we were basically the only two people in our ca...
G Train, January 14th
You were sitting across from me on the G train, wearing a green Canada goose and baseball hat. I was talking on the phone when I g...
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Guy on F train getting yelled at w/me
Guy on the F train heading from Brooklyn to Manhattan on 1/13 around 7pm. This woman in a yellow sweatsui...
Experimental Ukrainian opera cutie
You were with a couple friends and I was the blonde with the white scarf and green coat I know you notic...
bushwick umbrella man 1/9
my blue umbrella was completely destroyed in the rain storm on tuesday, like it was torn to shreds. as you passed me on starr st i...
Guy with the smiling eyes on the A-train 1/7
Standing next to you on the downtown local A-train from 125th to 86th around 1am on 1/7, you were dancing...
Ran After My Yellow Umbrella
During the storm tonight and walking on 7th Ave in Times Square around 10:30pm, my yellow umbrella flew out of my hands and I was ...
Nice belt! Downtown 1 @ 79th, 1/9, 2:55pm
A gorgeous woman in a black dress with side leg split, black leather jacket and stylish silver jewelry. I...
E train 01/07 ~5pm
we were sitting across from each other on the E train heading downtown. i was heading home from the airport with a blue carry-on s...
Snow Storm Matching Black and Blue Car Check
I saw you at the Verrazano BP on the 6th during the snowstorm and complimented your car. You asked for me...
Exchanged big smiles on the J train
We both gave each other a big smile on the J this morning. You were wearing a green coat and had on brown...