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missed you
New York City
October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
Gorgeous Girl at Friends and Lovers
I met and danced with a really gorgeous girl at Friends and Lovers in Brooklyn on Saturday night(11/22/22...
Last night at fourfivesix in Brooklyn, really tall guy
I was out last night at fourfivesix in Brooklyn and noticed a really cute , really tall guy at the bar, h...
James: Grand Rapids to LGA 11/8/22
Delta flight 4951, I was in 17B and you were in 17A. You had a grey beard, glasses and kind eyes. You wer...
Delta flight - sfo-nyc
You were busy saving a life and I watched Jordan Peele. Thank you for being you and I hope our paths will cross again someday.
please care about me
you moved to brooklyn (greenpoint? i think) about 2 years ago from our hometown in norcal. you were my best friend. not for very l...
The fragrance
Its been years, & I don't exactly remember how immensely fascinated I use to feel when that fragrance was there with me. Its like ...
Dog named Roxy - 2 train at 7:30 pm from 96th st.
I was with my friend and I said hi to your dog Roxy. She seemed to like me a lot. We talked about our dog...
KLM flight AMS to JFK
Nov. 22 - We sat on the same row with a empty seat between us. Didn?t chat till the end of our flight and off the flight. You had ...
Comedy show at Caveat (LES)
It was at a show called No Paparazzi. We were seated at neighboring tables, I was wearing a green turtleneck and you had a yellow ...
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Ft Myers to JFK airport waiting area
Met you in the airport waiting area, ft Myers to JFK, Nov 20th around 6pm, brunette with a blonde friend,...
Missed her on Broome and Crosby.
I learnt of this space a few days back thinking what a sweet idea, today I learnt it's the one space I co...
Amtrak train 2167 Business Class NY to Washington DC
Amtrak Acela train 2167 Business Class NY to Washington DC. I am looking for the gentleman with grey coat...
Central Park photo bomb 8/11
We had a very brief interaction around 8am in Central Park on the 8th of November. I was just visiting so I couldn?t tell you wher...
Cutie on the A: sat @ 42nd St bench, took train to 59th
Saturday night 11/19: I sat next to you on the 42nd Street A platform bench. E kept coming instead of the...
jeans and fleece and headphones at terminal A in newark
Baggage claim 5 we kept making eye contact. You had on jeans and a white fleece and I was across the clai...
pink mask and pinstripe pants on the Queens bound G
piercing blue eyes, pink mask, pinstripe pants, puffer. Queens bound G, we kept stealing glances as the t...
NYC 11/17 Acela Train Ny to DC?and Pinot
I am looking for the gentleman who sat next to me on Amtrak Acela train 2167 on Thursday 11/17/22 leaving...
smile on Irving Place
Saw you twice today on Irving Place and 18th ...smiled as you walked into Irving Farm. Sorry I did't look back soon enough.
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I missed Taylor swift on Cornelia street back in 2016
I missed Taylor swift on Cornelia street back in 2016. I met her brother austin swift. I?m pretty sure th...
Guy at the 67th Ave Manhattan bound platform
We keep making eye contact while waiting for the train most weekday mornings. I want to talk to you but n...
Dog walking in Madison Square Park
We passed each other, eyes connecting. Guys checking each other out. This encounter happened three time...
double take outside Williamsburg movie theater?19
We walked by each other outside the Williamsburg movie theater. We both did a double take, looking back a...
Guy in Naruto costume @ Birthoween party on Flatiron
My friend and I talked with someone in a naruto costume at a Birthoween party on flatiron the weekend bef...
Westside parker
We met while sitting in our cars and waiting for legal parking to come into effect. You told me that you are not originally from...
You were reading on Line 7 to Flushing.
Hi Mr. I'm water bottle girl. I was sitting next to you, my friend on the other side. A water bottle r...
Pecks on Myrtle around 2pm today
I was the black girl wearing a red, black, and white checked sweater. I was meeting my friends and his c...
True Love is a chance
We met twice on the road on 7 July 2001 and 25 September 2008. I think it's a devil split us????We had such an unbelievable meetin...
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Anybody can help on this
This is my second attempt. Met her at Triple Crown Ale House on 7th in midtown Manhattan. Nice long discussion, three hours felt ...
Restaurant - west village - Thursday
You kept smiling over at me. You were at another table with a friend. I was with my family so there wasn'...
Dinner Outside - Supper
You sat next to my friend and I outside Supper in lower Manhattan Thursday night. You were reading a book ?The Idiot? and I couldn...
Chatting outside of restaurant
I know you will not likely see this, but had to post just in case. We were both waiting for our friends to arrive. You seem like a...
Flight from Dallas to LaGuardia, girl in 16B
I?ve never done anything like this before but I was on a 6am flight this morning from Dallas to LaGuardia...
Bedstuy Brooklyn - Last Thursday
I was walking on Stuyvesant avenue between Kosciusko and Lafayette listening to music. I was wearing flar...
I miss having you in my life&our conversations yrs ago
We were more than friends, I loved our conversations.Life took us separate ways, my fault that I let you ...
Little too late
I know there?s an immense long shot that you?ll ever see or read this, but I have to give it a shot. You were the kindest person t...
A Train Skateboarder
This afternoon, 11/9, between 12pm-1pm, I was taking the A train downtown, when, somewhere below 125th, a very cute guy around my ...
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Key Foods. Ave A. Last week of October
Key Foods, Ave A. You and I lingered in the tea isle for a bit and exchanged sweet glances here and there...
Triple Crown ale house 7th av
The place was packed on 5th of nov saturday at about 9PM. The waiter offered me a table somewhere in the back but you Trisha stopp...
i ate dinner next to you!
you showed me what you were eating and i got the same thing! just a small interaction i appreciated + you looked beautiful :)
LHR > JFK Green Jacket
We were on the same flight from London to JFK this evening and kept catching eyes. Wish I would have asked for your number! XO - ...
On a crowded N Train, Nov 6
The N was getting delayed during the Marathon so it was really crowded. You were sitting across from me and staring at me. I wasn'...
Blonde guy in Salvation
I saw you at the Salvation Army store on Atlantic Ave in Brooklyn. It was around 12:30 on Halloween and the store was so packed. Y...
House of Yes, October 29, 2022.
It was the night of the house of hallucinations event. We met in the bathroom. We were both intimidated b...
Simon at Union Pool - Thursday Night.
I know this is a shot in the dark, but I?m shooting my shot anyways. You were hanging out with the ba...
City Of Gods party at industry City
I met a guy with a British accent dressed like Daemon Targaryen on 10/28 at the City Of Gods party at ind...
North Korean dictator @ house party in Bushwick!
I can't believe I write that title lol but I'm looking for an (Asian) guy who was dressed as Kim Jong Un ...