New York City
You: Super tall, beautiful bearded man with piercing light-colored eyes, riding the uptown E train. You were listening to something on your AirPods.

Me: Frazzled commuter juggling a large backpack, a Dior shopping bag, and a giant white Dior box. You kindly offered me your space on the train when you saw my hands were full. When the train started moving, you lost your balance, and I reached out to steady you. I joked, “It happens to the best of us,” hoping to ease your embarrassment.

We stood next to each other, and at one point, we both paused our music at the same time—it felt like a small, silent connection. Then you got off at Lexington Ave after just one stop.

I’ve been thinking about that brief moment ever since. If you see this and felt it too, I’d love the chance to properly meet you (preferably without subway turbulence getting in the way).

– The Dior-clad commuter who caught your fall
Posted: Thursday. January 16, 2025.
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