New York City
We were sitting on the same three-seater bench on the uptown A train from 42nd to 168th. The middle seat was empty and there was some kind of good, charged energy going on between us. It took me by surprise and it kind of made my day. You looked elegant and kind and gave off a studious vibe. We both got off at 168th and walked toward the Columbia University medical center area. I was in a rush and went ahead of you, and once I got to my destination, I immediately regretted not introducing myself to you on the train.

You were wearing a cool scarf that kind of looked like a blanket and were carrying a shoulder bag. If you felt the same thing, I’d love to buy you a coffee and hear your story. If this is you, message me with the color of your scarf.

Either way, keep doing whatever you’re doing because you were glowing.
Posted: Thursday. January 30, 2025.
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