New York City
We made eye contact a few times– you were a few rows of people behind me, both of us with friends, walking from Washington Sq going west. You: tallish, soft-butch presenting, short brown hair, wearing a black and white keffiyeh, and a black or nondescript jacket, as I remember. Late 20's to mid-30's. We made eye contact for the first time on Waverly place, going west, between Washington Square West and 6th ave, and then a few more times as we walked north on 6th Ave. Me: early 30's, medium height, femme, cinched black puffy jacket with faux-fur-edged hood. Striped pants with a bopping walk and two friends also with puffy jacket hoods. I think your friends were standing to your left. You seemed interesting and I liked your face.
Posted: Wednesday. January 22, 2025.
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