New York City
Jan 18th - Once a week I like to see a movie solo, so this Saturday I decided to see the new Keke Palmer + SZA movie, One Of Them Days. It's cold, it's rainy, and I'm carrying a backpack because I had an early start and had hit the gym along the way. Prior to making my way to the theater I went to grab a late lunch and followed up with a lil gummy gardening just before showtime. I'm wrapped up: I'm in a large hoodie, shearling coat, grey jeans, grey sneakers, + aviator glasses, with my hair in a low bun covered by a baseball cap - effortless, but I'm cozy af! I find my seat and there's an empty seat in between us, thinking that maybe a friend would soon join you, but later realize that we're both there solo. I noticed your silhouette at first, your style seemed nice, but it was all too dark to tell. Once the movie finished you left faster than I could keep up, but as I began my way down the MANY escalators I finally see you... a face in the light, everything I imagined was confirmed. You’re cute, handsome, but also familiar 🧐. We make eye contact but I can't tell if you're looking at me with interest or familiarity (maybe even concern lol), I feel like I've possibly met you before or maybe I've just seen you in shared social spaces. I'm not one to shy away but right now I'm a little insecure because the theater is my safe space where I can be alone in homely attire (unintentionally incognito), not where I expect to meet the LOML! I pondered on whether or not I should introduce myself but ultimately decided that I was probably not in the best position to make a solid 1st impression... I think this is enough information to specify the interaction, so if you're THAT GUY please confirm at least 2 out of 4 of these: which nyc theater, seat/row letter, what showtime we went to, my hoodie color, and I for sure know it's you if you can tell me what was printed on my hoodie. Happy hunting!
Posted: Sunday. January 19, 2025.
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