New York City
Major missed connections (aka burrito man)….I was in Son Del North getting burritos with my friend today (1/11) around lunch time (12:45ish) and this really cute, tall guy wearing a blue jacket saw my Hani Bakery bag and said he loves the place. He recommended the cinnamon rolls. Then we started talking while waiting for burritos and he told me he lives 5 min away and comes there all the time, works in Hudson Yards, and that his mom sometimes eats vegan (because I got a vegan burrito). We exchanged food recs and I told him to try out spicy moon in the west village. He also had a Whole Foods Bag with him. I just didn’t get his number because it was so crowded and my brain wasn’t thinking straight and I was shy. I heard his name called and didn’t catch the full name so not sure. Can you please help?? I wish I’d gotten his number he’s because cute
Posted: Saturday. January 11, 2025.
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