I realize this is a ridiculous longshot but I have to try.
You have shoulder length brown hair, and you were dressed in white, White shirt and shorts. You were carrying a chik fil a drink in your hand, you were sort of reading a book and texting. I think you also had blue nail polish. You sat in the three seat section and I was opposite you in the two seat section. We made eye contact four times. I was trying to muster the courage to sit next to you and not be creepy. The last time you made clear eye contact with me was before you got off at Larchmont. You had a suitcase with what looked like little flowers all over it. You met up with an older man who was bald on the platform. I am guessing and hoping he was related to you in some way.
I was wearing grey shorts, red polo shirt and carrying a red backpack. I had a dept of education laptop with a yellow cover. I was going to Greenwich to visit my mom. I am so mad at myself for not saying anything to you while I had the chance. If by some miracle you come across this website and ad, I feel like the universe forced me to miss the train before that, and we were supposed to meet. If there is such a thing as fate, I hope fate brings this note to you somehow. Please contact me - I can't stop thinking about you.