New York City
You: 5?8? Black man in a black beanie, camel pea coat, black leather wing tips, black watch. Me: thicc Asian woman, 5? long Blond hair, forest green parka, black leggings, black boots. I saw you as soon as I entered the car at the 4th-9th stop in Brooklyn. You were seated by the door looking like a handsome snack and I sat across from you, pretending to be on my phone. We locked eyes a few times and then I, out of nervousness of how to flirt back with you, dropped my phone face down on the subway floor. Me: ?there goes an expensive piece of equipment?. You, concerned but smiling: ?that?s dirty now.? Me: ?I?ll make sure not to put my face on it.? My stop quickly arrived and you said looking up at me, ?have fun tonight?. I said, you too, didn?t know how to ask for your number, and then beat myself up the whole walk to my destination. I thought about you the entire length of my date with some dude from an online dating site.
Posted: Saturday. January 20, 2024.
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