New York City
We were at 169 bar. I was reading Henry Miller?s Tropic of Capricorn and writing in a notebook. You sat two stools down from me. I had short pink hair. We didn?t talk until a stranger sat between us and kicked off the conversation. You asked to see my book and I apologized because it was falling apart but you said all your books looked the same way. You were wearing a cream colored jacket, had blond-ish ear length hair and a small earring. Before you left, you wished me luck with my writing, and when I asked you for recommendations on what to read you wrote down ?As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning? by Laurie Lee. You said you were from Manchester and mentioned Scotland. I said I had just been in Scotland a week ago. I wanted to ask you your number or instagram, but after a girl showed up to meet you there, I wasn?t sure if you were on a date or if you had a partner. Even if you do, would love to still be friends. You have good taste in literature.
Posted: Tuesday. November 14, 2023.
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