New York City
Yesterday (on halloween) I took my dog Milo and my roommates?s dog Ember out for a walk. We were saying hi to another woman and her dog on the corner of Broome & Allen, when the cute boy and his friend walk by. Cute boy looks at me then milo and asks to pet him and complements his sweater. Little words were exchanged but he kept giving me smiles & looks that felt very flirtatious. Cute boy?s friend seemed to be in a rush somewhere, so he said bye and they kept walking up allen towards delancey st. After a minute or two I was heading that direction as well. Not paying attention I notice theyre stopped at the crosswalk light about to turn, he turns around as I approach and says ?hey again you?. They walk across. I was too shy to ask for his number or even his name, and I regret that! I?m a single gal in NYC (if you know what I mean, it?s rough out here). This guy was handsome and sweet, so help me find my missed connection!
Posted: Wednesday. November 01, 2023.
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