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missed you
New York City
February 2022
March 2022
April 2022
You were wearing Jordans 11 concord I think
This morning I saw an attractive older hispanic guy most likely Puerto Rican or Dominican in the A train....
You made me play Picolo with you @ 169bar
You came up to me and asked me to play a round of Picolo with you on Saturday night. We were both terribl...
230 Fifth w Berlin 3/26
I was with a friend from work, you were with a friend from work. We danced at 230 Fifth rooftop bar on Saturday 3/26 and had a gre...
Stuck in the subway doors
I ran into the 2 train at 14th st and got stuck in the doors but then ninjad my way through. We caught each others eye and you sai...
Bicycle on the L
Hi, I hope it wasn't too annoying to get your bicycle out of the station. I'm 5'4" so it's a pain when I have to lug my bike up an...
Tenement Museum
We briefly talked on the walking tour. I was kicking myself for not saying more. You were leaving town in a couple of hours. I w...
Chris, Tinder, Madison, Early Morning March 27, 2022
We talked for hours march 27 on tinder and I accidentally unmatched you! I'm a 30yr blonde white woman. Y...
And the abyss stares back ?
You?re out there somewhere. So appreciative and kind. I let my silly loyalties and devotion foolishly trap me into a toxic place a...
You asked me what I was reading
This is insane and I promise that I'm not insane, but in the 0.01% chance that we're soulmates, this woul...
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blonde bob, sharp blue eyes, im yours
you have a short blonde bob and piercing blue eyes ? wearing a beret and a light blue jacket. you and you...
tall girl red sweater, Strand
tall girl in the Strand we stumbled into each other outside the sci-fantasy section at the main strand bookstore. we ran into e...
Guy with black hair at oxygen clinic (Massapequa)
I have a crush on you. In your 20s, black hair. I think you're cute and you're sweet. Don?t contact if ...
Met you in the Normandie Court Elevator
The Girl with red hair and yellow top going to your friend?s place for Bible studies, when you smiled in ...
Should've talked to you at Sally's Bar
You were outside with friends having a nice time. I wanted to talk to you but felt awkward engaging with ...
comedy cellar coincidence
i was with my roommate, you were with your mom (i think), i should have asked for your number and unfortunately i did not. if you ...
Jack, I met you at Duplex piano bar on Saturday
You and your hilarious married friends, Bligh and Chucky sat next to me and my girlfriends at Duplex on S...
at the rest stop outside of the city
It is too painful to even write this. If you knew how angry I am that you didn't stop me. That I couldn't...
Cute Over Ear Headphones Guy
We rode on the same train from downtown and got off together at gun hill at 1 am on Saturday night/Sunday March 19. I was sneaking...
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Art class
We met on the 1 train. You had your yellow sketch pad and were heading to an art class. You were beautiful and eloquent. It was ea...
Fitzgerald?s pub - st paddy?s day
I was waiting for a drink at the crowded bar when you started a conversation with me. You told me I look ...
6 train. 7:45am. St paddys
You came on the train. I was unmasked. Your eyes are haunting me only in the best way. You had black mask to match your black slin...
Inwood hill park March, 15th
I was sitting at one of the benches in a big field in the park and you came down into the field with your little grey dachshund an...
Walked past you in SOHO, we both turned around...
I was wearing red lens glasses and a green jacket. You had a hat and glasses on with pink apple over the ...
A train 145th Street!March 14th
You got my attention the minute you get in the station. You realized it, and keep eyes contact for a bit ...
On Sunday, you told me it was snowing
Picture it. March 13, 2022. You were heading into the subway on 57th and 7th. We smiled and paused. You t...
young Al Pacino look a like
Last Sunday (3/6) on the uptown E or C from 23rd st. to 42nd street. I only caught a glimpse of your face when you lowered your ma...
blue eyes at old town bar
I'm glad I went to the wrong bar so I could meet you. Your laugh is infectious, and I like your taste in reading. Was hoping you'd...
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Joe Coffee Co.at 141 Waverly 2012ish
Long Shot. The year was 2012. Maybe 2011. I had just paid for my coffee at Joe on Waverly at Gay St. when...
Thurs 3/10 @ 7pm tall blonde @ University Pl & 11th/9th
THURSDAY (3/10/22) MARCH 10TH @ / around 7PM at UNIVERSITY PLACE & 9TH ST, and then again on 11TH & BROAD...
Chubby idiot literally ran into me
I was enjoying a sunny Thursday afternoon by jogging in Central Park when a chubby guy literally ran into...
You asked about my sweater at a crosswalk
It had the name of my college on it. Apparently, you went to the same school. It's a small liberal arts s...
Wednesday BLT Prime UES
You were with your partner, but you kept glancing Yes, definitely a connection Was unexpected, but unquestionable Can?...
Sorry I Stole Your Uber, Jeff
On Sunday, March 6 I was deeply hungover outside of the SoHo 54 hotel. So hungover I momentarily thought my name was Jeff and took...
Thursday night at Fig19
You asked me what drink I ordered as we were waiting at the bar. Then, you introduced yourself, but I couldn?t hear your name. Sou...
Guy doing hip thrusts @ Equinox in Hudson Yards
Happened on Wed, Mar. 2. You were really going at it. But hey, you were cute. And I bet you have really w...
You were writing a screenplay at Ground Central Coffee
This was at Ground Central Coffee, on Monday. I thought you were beautiful. And saw you were writing a ...
Saturday on downtown F Train
Someone blasted into the subway car last second, I said ?wow nice running that was impressive!!!? or something like that, I was ge...